Tuesday 16 March 2010

Hello, meet said person, let said person talk

Most people I hear talking about Art or anything Design related I usually presume have some knowledge of that area, something that I have not thought about or cannot connect with. Something about my grammatical mind makes me think Art and Design as words should start with capitals. They are nouns, unique and singular perhaps? The more people I meet who are involved with the 'creative' industry make me feel like there is nothing unique about these words at all, nor the meaning behind them. The existence of artists such as Damien Hirst pain me, simply playing a target market. All the time I studied fine art, although I took a lot from it in terms of reference and ideas, it always seemed to me that unless you had people with money to buy into your 'ideas' you would not become much of a 'artist'. Perhaps I am overly critical, perhaps I over think things. All I can really say is there are systems, there are ways of working, and understanding these systems, and that is far more important than creative idea generation. That is what I took from todays talk anyway from David Burrows as I have it noted. Fair play he is successful, I just wonder when did he last sit back and enjoy life for what it is, technological advancement is great and I applaud it, but now and then, hug a tree, walk bare footed on the sand for fuck sake, life isn't a computer screen. Less of this.

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